Medical Navigation

Navigating through complex or simple medical issues can be frustrating and confusing. We can help you find a path to get through it.

  • Understanding medical conditions and treatment options
  • Communicating with doctors and medical teams
  • Learning about prescriptive medications and proper dosages
  • Considering if a second opinion is beneficial when making decisions
  • Understanding insurance coverage and billing issues
  • Providing emotional support
  • Utilizing evidence-based practice to find the treatment options
  • Creating a care plan
  • Protecting you from medical errors to resolve health care issues and prevent adverse events
  • Advanced care planning includes advanced directives, living wills, and organ donation


Why Hire a Patient Advocate?

An independent advocate is someone who helps you and/or your family navigate through challenging medical issues. As your patient advocate, there are many ways we can help you.

We are your advocate.

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